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Women's Rights & Interests Violated



Gender discrimination is a chronic malady in the United States. According to a report of the Inter parliamentary Union in January, women constitute only 12.9 percent of the total members of the Us congress. The  latest survey by the National Women and police center showed that from 1990 to 1997, the number of women in law enforcement departments across the country increased by a mere 3-2 percent. One third of the 176 police organizations surveyed have no women as senior officers, and none of the minority women in three-quarters of the police organizations  has been appointed as senior officer, according to a report in USA today on April 4, 1999, women, who make up some 45 percent of the US work force, earn on average only 75 percent as much as men. African American Women only 65 percent, and Latino women only 57 percent , reported Reuters on July 14, 1999, It also said that earnings of women with higher education Background equal only 76 percent of that of men. In the building sector, the annual salary of a male employee amounts to US $ 29300, while that for a female employee is US $ 21200. 

The United States has poor labor rights protection and social security for  women. American women have only three months of unpaid maternity leave, and are not  allowed any time off for  breast feeding  after they go back to work , according to a survey report of the  International Labor organization on the situation of labor protection for  pregnant women in 152 countries, released in February, 1998. It also showed that  about 40 percent of the female employees with children have no medical insurance. 

Women are the main victims of domestic Violence, the US Department of Justice estimated that there are at least 4.2 million cases of domestic violence in the  country each year, and 95 percent of the  victims are women. During the 1992-97 period, the number of cases involving violence in American service men's families was five times higher than that  in other families, with wives of  domestic violence, the deteriorating  domestic violence has become chief factor affecting the health and safety of American women.

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