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The Postnatal Check of Mom


Both you and the baby will have a postnatal check six weeks after the birth. The doctor  will feel your abdomen to check that the  womb has returned to its  normal size and may check your weight, urine and  blood pressure. Your  will be asked if you have had any unusual pain, bleeding or discharge, it is  quite normal for the lochia , the  usual discharge after the baby's birth, to still be  present. Your doctor will probably take a cervical smear. 


If you still have pain in the site of your episiotomies make sure the doctor checks to ensure that it is not  infected. The  doctor  will usually discuss contraception with you at this visit. 


The postnatal check gives you the  opportunity to discuss any worries you might  have. You may be anxious about sex if you have either tried intercourse and found it painful or have not yet attempted it, which is very common. 


Postnatal Exercises


Many mothers find they are so busy after the birth that they are tempted to give up doing postnatal exercises after a week of two. It is important  that you carry on with these exercises as they will help you keep fit and make you better able to enjoy your baby. Below is a reminder of some of the  basic exercises which you should do several times a day. 


Tummy Muscles 


Lie on your back on the floor, knees bent  and hands on upper chest. Lift your head and  shoulders off the floor keeping  your waist and back on the floor ; look at your knees then relax.

Pelvic Floor Muscles 


Tighten the muscles to pull up your vagina and anus  towards your  body. Hold for five are not sure that you are tightening the  right muscles. try interrupting the flow of urine. 


Do this exercise regularly. it is very important as it will help you avoid complaints as it will help you avoid important such as prolapsed of the uterus, or incontinence. 


Back Strengthening 


Lie face downward  on the floor, arms behind  your back  clasping hands loosely. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Then relax. 

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