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Chest Pain: Don’t Panic





You’ve just come from Sunday dinner at your mother-in-law’s house and a piano has settled atop your chest. That dear woman’s sarcasm and your husband’s nonchalance may have sent you into cardiac arrest – but probably not.


Rather, your mother- in-law’s fat laden food most likely has triggered gastro esophageal reflux better known as heartburn which  occurs when stomach acids creep  up and burn the esophagus, the tube that  connects the throat  to the stomach. Heartburn can arise if you’ve eaten spicy foods or overindulged, drunk alcoh0l or coffee or taken aspirin or other medications.


To relieve (and avoid) this bothersome chest, steer clear of these triggers. Also try elevating the head of your bed four to six inches from the ground (with blocks or books) or prevent food and acids from sneaking up into your esophagus. (Using pillows under) your head won’t do not  the trick) You can also take antacids after  eating – just be sure to sit  up rather than the lie  down after  taking the  medication . If your heartburn refuses to dissipate. consult your physician.    


Panic disorder, a condition often confused with a heart attack, is another common cause of chest pain. More than three million Americans suffer from panic disorder , which usually involves short , un predictable attacks of intense  fear accompanied  by chest pain, shortness of breath , heart palpitations, dizziness and  sweating. Although its symptoms are similar to those of a heart attack, a panic attack is also accompanied by an intense emotional response – usually overwhelming fear and powerlessness. And panic attacks tends to strike young women, but heart attack victims are generally middle age or older. If you suspect you’re suffering from panic disorder, talk to your doctor. She most likely will give you a physical  exam to rule our heart problems and may want you a physical , who can prescribe coping techniques and medication if the problem persists.


Chest pain can also signal a heart attack. But too many women dismiss this possibility because they consider cardiovascular problems “ a man’s disease” and they couldn’t be more wrong.


Pay special attention to  chest pain if you’re at  risk  for developing heart disease. The risk factors include a family history of the disease, increasing age, smoking, high blood pressure high cholesterol ,physical inactivity and obesity, And learn the warning signs for a heart at  tack,  which include uncomfortable  pressure . fullness, squeezing or  pain  in the center of the chest ; pain spreading from the chest to the shoulders, neck or arms; and lightheadedness, fainting, sweating , nausea or shortness of breath. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical help immediately .     


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