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Sexual Relations 

                 During Pregnancy 

When to Avoid Sex 

You should avoid sex during pregnancy:

  • If you are at risk of preterm labor
  • If you have a placenta previa (low - lying placenta)
  • If you have an incompetent cervix
  • If you experience vaginal bleeding
  • If your membranes have ruptured or you are leaking fluid
  • If you have an active herpes lesion
  • If you experience pain with intercourse
  • If you have a vaginal infection or an undiagnosed vaginal discharge


During pregnancy, you undergo many changes , both physical and emotion . How you react to  these changes, how openly you can talk with your partner and whether your caregiver makes you  feel comfortable discussing lovemaking all play a role in your attitude as a couple toward sex during  pregnancy. 

Your husband may find you more desirable now because body is carrying his  child. Or, he may worry about the effects sexual intercourse might have on the growing  baby in terms of miscarriage  or harm. Unless you have  a history of miscarriage or other problems, this  concern is unnecessary, check  with your caregiver to be reassured about a health pregnancy.

At the beginning of your pregnancy, you and your  husband  should decide together to remain physically close, even if you go through times of lessened sexual  activity. Touching, snuggling, caressing, or massaging, not necessarily  leading to sex, can keep both of you feeling  open, warm  and loving  toward each other. Accepting both positive and  negative feelings is necessary for dealing with each other and , of course, with your caregiver will help ensure that your pregnancy gets off to a good start. 

Early pregnancy classes are a good place to talk about sexuality and your changing body in relation to lovemaking. Prepared childbirth  classes another good opportunity, although much of your pregnancy will be behind you by the time you take them.   

First Trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy can be an exciting time with both you and  your partner feeling very good about yourselves and  your pregnant body .You may feel beautiful, exhilarated at the thought of a new life  growing  within you, and very close to your  mate . You might  also find  yourself easily fatigued nauseated, anxious, and very emotional. Your husband may be proud and  excited about the new life he has  helped create. At the same time , he may feel anxious  or rejected because you are  now concentrating  your love and  attention on  your developing child.

The first 3 months are certainly a time of adjustment for both you and your husband. Wide mood swings are normal for both of you. you will also experience  changes in your  body and in your relationship. While you continue to love  each other as much as or even more than before the pregnancy, your physical expression of that love is often altered sometimes to a surprising degree ! Pleases be  assured that  this  is not unique to you. Whatever your feelings  desires, needs, or concerns, they have  been experienced by countless other  couples. Be  aware that  there is a wide range of emotions , needs, and concerns. Some women experience increased sexual desires during the first  trimester, others, especially if feeling  nauseated or  fatigued, have a decreased desire .Even if you are nauseated, you will appreciate the touching and  caressing from a good  back rub by your  husband . Both of you will enjoy a warm hug  and kiss. 

Second Trimester

During the second trimester, your growing uterus is beginning to bulge your abdomen, thought usually not to the extent that it is in the way or makes  sex uncomfortable.  Some women experience a decline in sexual  enjoyment as the pregnancy advances, while other feel increased pleasure. Again, if you are open with each other and responsive to each others'  sexual needs, you can eliminate many of the  problems. 

Some of your initial physical complaints of pregnancy have probably disappeared by  the third of fourth month . Usually the nausea and  fatigue have passed, and you feel  more relaxed now  that the chance of miscarriage has  diminished.

Third Trimester

As you move into the third trimester, however, you may find even simple movements - such  as getting  in and  out of bed, bending  forward, and even standing, walking  or sitting in and out  of bed to be very awkward and difficult. This  physical clumsiness may keep you from enjoying sexual enter course. On the other hand, increased pelvic congestion may arouse sexual desires, which are  relieved by orgasm. Your partner may also feel some restraints in enjoyment.  He may be uncomfortable feeling the baby moving while he is  making  love  to you. He may also initiate sex less  frequently as  he assumes more protective role . Do not  misinterpret this  as rejection. 

As your waistline expands and your body enlarges, you may start to view yourself differently and may find it difficult to feel  sexy. This feeling may be reinforced by other people's attempts and humor when they comment on your changing shape. Just remember, you are pregnant, not  fat, and this  growth is essential for  a healthy baby. You can be assured that your former figure will return after the birth. 

You may have already tried a variety of  positions to increase your  comfort during  intercourse. If your pregnancy has advanced to the point where it is almost in the way, you may find that having your partner on top but slightly to the side avoids the  discomfort caused by his weight pressing on your abdomen. This  position  also  gives you more mobility and lessens penetration of  the penis. You might find that  your  being on top is more comfortable as you can better control the  degree of penetration. Some couples, however, find that this position results in deeper  penetration and causes more discomfort. 

You might  be comfortable and satisfied with lying positions. Or, your mate can enter from behind  with you either kneeling or  standing , using  the bed for  support , or lying  on your side. In  these positions, you can control the  degree of penetration and can relieve the abdominal pressure. You can also lie close to the  edge  of the  bed and have your partner support  your legs with his  arms or shoulders. Needless to say, experimenting to find the  position that  affords the most comfort  and satisfaction is important, as is  a sense of humor! 

Many couples find alternatives to sexual intercourse at this  point in the pregnancy. Remember that massaging, touching, and  caressing provide close physical contact, which is just as important  as intercourse for  both of you. Some couples find that  genital manipulation and  mutual masturbation provide good sexual gratification. Even self - masturbation can be relieving. Some couples enjoy oral sex. However, a word of caution is necessary concerning cunnilingus ( oral stimulation of the female genitals) j. Air should not be  forced into  the vagina at any time during  pregnancy, as a rare phenomenon called  air  embolism can  result. Because of the  increased masculinity during  pregnancy, air that  passes into  the uterus can enter the  woman's  bloodstream and  cause  serious problems and  even death. If you enjoy oral sex. it is  fine to continue the practice as long  as you  are aware of  this  one restriction. 

Unless you spotting  or have a history of miscarriages, you should consider pregnancy to be  a sign of physical health. You should  continue your  life as normally as possible, keeping  in mind that intercourse will not harm your  baby and  can be continued throughout  pregnancy. If  you leak  fluid from your  vagina, experience pain  in your  pelvic region, or bleed vaginally, contact your  caregiver immediately. Orgasms do cause the uterus  to contract. However,  the  uterus contracts the  same way with Broxton-Hicks contractions, which are perfectly natural during  pregnancy. But  if your caregiver advises against orgasm, you need to adjust two  other practices if you are at risk for  preterm labor. First, avoid touching your  nipples, as this  releases oxytocin, a hormone that  causes uterine contractions. Second, since semen contains prostaglandin's, which  can  also stimulate contractions, your partner may need to wear a condom, if you are permitted to continue sex. In addition your caregiver should  know if you have a medical problem that  requires you to  alter your  position or  frequency of intercourse or to stop it altogether. Otherwise, most professionals believe that  couples can  continue to enjoy intercourse until labor begins or the  water breaks. Therefore, experiment and enjoy!


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