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Sultana's Dream

Late Begum Rokeya 

( The pioneer of the movement of waking Bangalee Muslim women )




Concluding Part 


"How my friends at home will be  amused and amazed, when a I go back and tell them that in the far off Lady land, ladies rule over the county and control all social matters, while gentlemen are kept in the Murdanas to mind babies, to cook and to do all sorts of domestic work and that cooking is so easy a thing that it is simply a pleasure to cook!" 


" Yes, tell them about all that you see here."

" Please let me know, how you carry on land cultivation and how you plough the land and do other hard manual work."


" Our fields are tilled by means of electricity, which supplies motive power for other hard work as well and we employ it for our aerial conveyances too. We have no rail road nor any paved streets here."


" Therefore neither streets nor railway accidents occur here," said I. " Do not you ever suffer from want of rainwater?" I asked. 


" Never since the water balloon has been set up. You see the big balloon and pipes attached thereto. By their aid we  can draw as much rain water as we require. Nor do we suffer from flood or thunderstorms. We are all very busy making nature yield as much as she can. We do not find time to quarrel with one another as we never sit idle. Our noble Queen is exceedingly fond  of Botany; it is  her ambition to convert the whole country into one grand garden." 


" The idea is excellent. What is your chief food?" 


" How do you keep your country cool in hot weather? We regard the rainfall in summer as a blessing from heaven." 


" When the heat becomes unbearable, we sprinkle the ground with plentiful showers drawn from the artificial fountains. And in cold weather we keep our room warm with sun heat." 


She showed me her bathroom, the roof of which was removable. She could enjoy a shower bath whenever she liked, by simply removing the roof ( which was like the lid of a box) and  turning on the tap of the shower pipe. 


You are a lucky people!" ejaculated I "You know no want . what is your religion, may I ask? 



" Our religion is based on Love and Truth. It is our religious duty to love one another and to be absolutely truthful. If any person lies, she or he is -----."

" Punished with death ?"

" No, not with death. We do not take pleasure in killing a creature of Good, --- specially a human being . The liar is asked to leave this land for good and never to come to it again."


"Is an offender ever forgiven?"

"Yes, if that person repents sincerely. " " Are you not allowed to see any man, except sacred relations?"

"No one except sacred relation."

"Our circle of sacred relation is very limited to, even first cousins are not sacred."

" But ours is very large, a distant cousin is as sacred as a brother." 


" That is very good. I see purity itself reigns over your land. I should like to see the good Queen , who is so sagacious and far-sighted and who has made all these rules."


 " All right," said Sister Sara.

Then she screwed a couple of seats on to a square piece of plank. To this planed she attached two smooth and well-polished balls. When is asked her what the balls were for, she said, they were hydrogen balls and they were used to overcome the force of gravity. The balls were of different capacities to be used according to the different weights desired to be overcome . She then fattened to the air-car two wing-like blades, which, she said, were worked by electricity. After we were comfortably seated she touched a knob and the blades began to whirl, moving faster and faster every moment. At first we were raised to  the height of about six or seven feet and then off we flew. And before I could realize that we had commenced moving we reached the Garden of the Queen. 


My friend lowered the air-car by reversing the action of the machine, and when the car touched the ground the machine was stopped and we got out.


I had seen from the air-car the Queen walking on  a garden path with her little daughter (Who was four years old) and her maids of honor. 


 "Halloo! you here" cried the Queen addressing Sister Sara. I was introduced to Her royal Highness and was received by her cordially without any ceremony. 


I was very much delighted to make her acquaintance. In course of take conversation  I had with her, the Queen told me that  she had no objection to permitting her  subjects to trade with other countries. " But " She continued, " no trade was possible  with countries where the women were kept in the zenanas and so unable to come and trade with us. Men, we find, are rather of lower morals and so we do not like dealing with them. We do not covet other people's land, we do not fight for piece of diamond though it may be thousand fold brighter than the Koh-i-Noor, nor do we grudge a ruler his Peacock Throne. We dive deep into the ocean of knowledge and try to find out the precious gems, which Nature has kept in store for us. We enjoy Nature's gifts as much as we can."


After taking leave of the Queen, I visited the famous Universities, and was shown over some of their manufactories, laboratories and observatories. 


After visiting the above places of interest we got again into the air- car, but as soon as it began moving I somehow slipped down and the fall startled  me out of my dream. And on opening my eyes, I found myself in my own bed room still lounging in the easy-chair!!



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