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Tips for some common problems in your kitchen:

æ Frozen vegetables will taste fresh, if you add a pinch of sugar to the water while cooking them.

 ä Peel hard-boiled eggs quickly by shaking them in a apan untill the shells crack. Cover with cold water until the eggs become cool. To peel, roll the eggs between your plams.

 å The best way tto keep garlic handy is to peel all the flaked and store in a jar of oil. This flavored oil is great for salads and brow in meat too.

  æ To keep ghee fresh for a long time, add a few fenugreek (methi) seeds to it.

 ä To prevent rice from getting spoiled when stored for a longer time, add a few turmeric pieces.

 å Rub vessels used for cooling eggs or any meat products with used filter coffee  powder and then scrub with washing powder. It helps remove the odd smell from the vessels.

 æTo keep ants from attacking sugar, jaggery etc, dip stiips of cloth in castrol oil and tie around the mouth of the jar or container.

 ä While cleaning your crystal glassware, first wash with soap. Then carefully rinse them in water to which a little fabric whitener has been added. Your crystal will sparkle.

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