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AAAS Guide to Graduate Education in Science, Engineering and Public Policy 

Provides up-to-date information on academic SEPP programs to assist prospective students, researchers, administrators, and funding agencies.

About Rainbows 

A tutorial on the physical nature of the rainbow, with graphics and text references.

Aeronautics Learning Laboratory for Science, Technology, and Research 

NASA-sponsored site offering a complete textbook on aeronautics at various reading levels, from middle school through college.

BreakThrough Online 

Designed to connect students (primarily students of color), teachers, and parents to science education programs and resources in their communities.

CPIMA Education Outreach Program 

Promotes materials science education on the K-University level.

Dr. Kadar's Immunology Page 

Information on the body's immune system.

EdGateway Communities 

Offer science, math and environmental educators and their organizations the ability to find, organize, and share events, discussions, information, and documents.

Explore Science 

Interactive science education for teachers and students.

GOAL - Global On-line Adventure Learning 

Our "GOAL" is to intrigue you with the adventures, the sciences, the technologies and the underlying laws of nature that make them possible.

How Stuff Works 

Series of articles that explores the workings of devices from cell phones to refrigerators, and explains the principles behind things such as helium and pi.

Investigations in Science Education 

Portuguese journal devoted to research in science education.

Johnny's Math and Science Posters Guide 

Includes both commercial and non-retail sources.

Lemon Power



Teaching and learning resource, built around and including Gregor Mendel's paper of 1865.

Minority Science & Engineering Program 

The MSEP provides academic support for minorities entering science and engineering at the University of Washington. Included at this site are contact names, program description and sample worksheets and tests from our Academic Excellence Workshops.

NASA's Education Program


National Public Science Day 1999: Our Changing Earth 

During the '98-'99 school year, teams across the United States are investigating earth science topics in their communities, and showcasing the results on January 21, 1999.

National Youth Science Camp (NYSC)


Net Lab Science Network 

Seeks to foster and encourage the expansion of scientific thought, research and presentation through the use of the Internet.

Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) 

Helps faculty and students gain access to federal research facilities and, in addition, organizes alliances in research, policy, and international areas where the collective strengths of its members can be focused on issues of national importance

Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) 

Alliance of individuals, institutions, and organizations committed to strengthening undergraduate science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education.


Macintosh program for illustrating the organizing principles for the periodic table. Select elements, graph properties, and print tables.

SciEd: Science and Mathematics Education Resources 

Comprehensive set of links to resources for science and mathematics education. Covers grade school through graduate school.

Science Across the World 

Forum for students to exchange facts and opinions with students from other countries and cultures on environmental and social science topics.

Science Adventures 

A guide to informal science education centers throughout the United States.

Science is for Girls 

Internet scavenger hunt.

Science Resource Center 

For science teachers to share teaching materials on chemistry, physics, and more.

ScienceSpace Project 

Joint research venture between George Mason, the University of Houston, and NASA's Johnson Space Center. Strengths and limits of virtual reality for science education are explored.

Shareware Simulations & Lessons in Physics, Science, Math, & Engineering


Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering (TAME) 

Focuses on increasing and strengthening minority participation in engineering, scientific and computer science professions.

University of Texas-Austin Science Education Center 

Contains information on degree programs and other general information.

Worlds Of Wonder 

Science-based curriculum on the Internet.

Zona Land 

Explanations, graphics, and animations concerning physics and mathematics.


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